We all say we don’t care what others think but the truth is, most of us aren’t living our own lives because we are too busy trying to live up to the expectations of others. I’ve always felt sad to see this and for years I’ve had conversations with individuals who wanted to do more, to be more but they lacked confidence. So, I tried to be the best hype friend I could be by motivating and encouraging them as best I could. But ironically I lacked that same confidence.
I never truly believed in myself, though superficially I thought I did. We all say we don’t care what others think until we realize we do. Then life in its true nature took me through rough experiences that helped me grow and evolve. A caterpillar goes through the process of turning into a butterfly and is no longer called by the same name. We all hit a point in our lives where we must grow into our true selves. In my process, I decided to cut my long hair and get a platinum bob cut. Because you know they say blonds have the most fun. lol Looking back on it now it was my subconscious way of rebelling.
The truth is, being honest with yourself is the most difficult thing you will do in life. But when you are true to yourself, you will blossom like a butterfly.
And so I did, and it felt liberating. I stopped living for others and started living my life. I decided to embrace myself and to live the advice I had been giving to so many others, to be bold and fearless. I learned that when you feel the best, you perform your best; and that is where Ruvia was born.
Ruvia is Latin for “blond” so it translates to Blond Beauty. I thought the name would be fitting due to my personal experience. Now I’m not saying go out there and get a makeover to feel better about yourself. But what I am saying is, it’s ok not to please everyone all the time. It’s ok to put your needs first and it’s ok to care for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Life is too short not to be doing the things that set your soul on fire. My limitation was my own self-image. Wearing some lipstick and getting my nails done helped me find my confidence and the courage to live life on my terms. Ruvia Beauty is here to remind you to be you. That you are worth it and you’re capable of more than you think. You just have to be honest with yourself.
Be bold, be fearless, be you!

One Response
Great story and and great advice. I’m going to share this with a few young ladies that I know. I’m also going to purchase something from your site to show my support for your business. Keep going.